It is possible to start Robo Investing, even at $10 per month, in Singapore. To be frank, investing only $10 per month can’t make much difference in one’s future. Doing this monthly update is just to help everyone and to help myself understand the performance of Robo Advisors over the long run.
Once again, the no-brainer strategy is to do dollar cost averaging and manually add in the amount if there is any significant drop in the market. Super no-brainer, super easy to understand.
There is no changes in the holdings and allocation for this month. 83% is in stocks, 16% is in bonds, 1% is in cash.
This is a portfolio itself, consisting of stocks, bonds and cash. There is no additional transaction or rebalancing fee. There is only a 1% annual management fee.
The US S&P 500 index broke a new historical high. But there is nothing much to fear/worry about when adopting a dollar cost averaging approach to investing in ETFs.
It is just more important to stay invested throughout the ups and downs of the market. People who truly understand the power of compounding will try to commit more money to investing over the long term.
Please take note: Robo Investing is not suitable for people who wants to earn quick money.
Disclaimer: is an opinion based website. I am not a financial advisor, and the opinions on this site should not be considered as financial advice. This is not a sponsored post. You can contact me for a referral code to invest via Smartly if you like to.