My Robo Investing portfolio consists of Syfe and StashAway.
Syfe’s Allocation: 98.8% REIT, 1.2% Cash
StashAway’s Allocation: 72% Stock, 7% REIT, 20% Commodity, 1% Cash
This post is meant to inspire people to start investing, even with very little money. Students and young working adults can start investing easily using this method.
There has been a lot of volatility in the stock market this year. I happened to start using the Robos during March when there was high uncertainty. Below will the results year to date.
The Pros about using Robos are;
1. they are automated
2. dividends are automatically reinvested
3. easy to setup (good for beginners)
The Cons about using Robos are;
1. you can’t choose what to invest in
2. they haven’t been around long enough
Stashaway had a time weighted return of 42.22% while Syfe REIT had a time weighted return of 24.06%. Stock/Equity had a better recovery and return this year compared to Real Estate.
As of now, I won’t be adding more money into this 2 portfolios. The next update would be in end March 2021 (1 year anniversary since the selloff).
I am still using the Robos for other goals – I have 3 other portfolios with Syfe. Small amounts of money are still being added into them every week.
Disclaimer: is an opinion based website. I am not a financial advisor, and the opinions on this site should not be considered as financial advice. This is not a sponsored post. You can contact me for a referral code to invest via Syfe or StashAway if you like to.